Voters on Cape Cod will join other Massachusetts residents to cast their ballot in the 2024 general election today.
The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. as Cape voters make their choice for President of the United States, the U.S. Senate and House and a number of state and local seats.
There are five statewide ballot questions and Barnstable County voters will also weigh-in on Question 6 which would give the Assembly of Delegates more power over budget matters.
Voters who are unsure about their polling place should check the Secretary of State's website to find the correct location.
As voters head to the polls today, there are some Massachusetts laws to keep in mind.
Under state law, a person may not do anything within 150-feet of a voting location that's designed to aid or defeat a candidate or question being voted on in the election. Officials say that means no wearing of political apparel like hats, t-shirts, buttons or pins.
Anyone wearing those types of political items will be asked to cover or remove them before they're allowed to enter the polling location.
In addition, holding political signs or handing out campaign literature is also prohibited within 150-feet of a polling location.\
(Photo by JEFF KOWALSKY/AFP via Getty Images)
Photo: JEFF KOWALSKY / AFP / Getty Images