Residents File Appeal Of Dismissal Of Cape Wind Lawsuit

An appeal is being filed over the dismissal of a lawsuit against Vineyard Wind.

"ACK for Whales", the group formerly known as "Nantucket Residents Against Turbines", filed with the First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals over a district court decision to dismiss their prior suit.

The residents allege that Vineyard Wind was improperly given the green light by federal agencies who failed to consider the impact on critically-endangered right whales.

The group says the project will get in the way of the pristine views of the ocean as well as increase electric rates.

Turbine blades have already been shipped to the Vineyard Wind site, and the company is hoping to join the grid in October.

(Photo by TOBIAS SCHWARZ/AFP via Getty Images)


Foto: TOBIAS SCHWARZ / AFP / Getty Images

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