Brewster Ponds Coalition Hike at Nickerson State Park's Flax Pond

Nickerson State Park

Join the Brewster Ponds Coalition leaders Kristi Dondlinger and Nancy Ortiz for a 3.5-mile hike to Flax Pond in Nickerson State Park on Saturday, April 12 at 10 AM (rain date Sunday, April 13). We will leave from the Big Cliff Pond parking lot at the end of Flax Pond Road. Wear comfortable walking shoes and bring water and a snack. Although mostly flat, this picturesque hike can be challenging in some areas. In addition to a few steep inclines, there will be some rocky trails and roots.

Registration is required as there is a maximum of 18 participants for this free event. Details will be sent to registered participants before the hike. Please register at We hope you can join us!