Brewster Ponds Coalition's 11th Annual Pond Summit

Brewster Baptist Church

You are invited to attend the BPC 11th Annual Pond Summit, on Saturday, April 5, from 9 - 11:30 AM. The theme of this year’s event is Chemicals of Emerging Concern, a topic in the news of late both nationally and on Cape Cod.

The Summit will feature two speakers on this topic. Tom Cambareri, Water Resource Specialist and Hydrologist with Sole Source Consulting, will provide background information about Chemicals of Emerging Concern and describe his work with municipal and private clients on water resources issues including groundwater modeling of PFAS contamination and remedial actions. Tom Barr, Deputy Director of Public Works for the Town of Chatham, will explain the PFAS issue in Chatham, including when and how they were detected in the drinking water, options considered to remediate the problem, and the course of action being taken.

The Pond Summit is free and open to the public. Registration starts at 9 AM, and will be followed by presentations 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM, at the Brewster Baptist Church, 1848 Main Street. Please register at: More information is available at

This year’s event is being sponsored by The Leighton Team, a BPC business partner.