How Does Freedom Feel

355 Main St., Wellfleet, MA 02667

New exhibition to open at Wellfleet Presentation Hall...A thought-provoking new art exhibition is opening in Wellfleet.

“How Does Freedom Feel”, an exhibition by NYC/Wellfleet-based professional photographer Robert S Johnson, is running at Wellfleet Preservation Hall from September 5 – October 2 (Opening Reception Friday, September 6 from 5-7 PM)

Johnson said: “I’m incredibly excited to open How Does Freedom Feel at Prez Hall. It’s a collection that tells the stories of street protests, demonstrations and celebrations from Occupy Wall Street Through Pride to Black Lives Matter and Summer of Heat. The earliest work is from 2011 and the latest is from July 26, 2024.”

This is a very different exhibition from my last show at Preservation Hall. PLEASANT Point-PAIN(e) Hollow was a meditation on Blackfish Creek. This is a celebration of freedom and speaking out.”

Kate Ryan, Executive Director of Wellfleet Preservation Hall said: “We’re excited to show Robert’s photographs on our walls for his upcoming exhibition at The Hall. Robert is yet another example of the incredible creative talent our area, and our community have to offer and we’re pleased to be supporting local artists in our safe, and Inclusive space.”

You can see How Does Freedom Feel at Preservation Hall , 355 Main Street, Wellfleet, MA, Tuesday-Friday from 10-4 from September 5 through October 2nd. Entry is free.

For more information on the exhibition as well as all the activities at Wellfleet Preservation Hall see or call (508) 349-1800