Pet of the Week...Last Kiss

Meet...Last Kiss!

Last Kiss, a 4-year-old male domestic shorthair cat got his unusual name in Texas and flew here with a group of his fellow felines.

His Texas foster mom said this about him: "This lovely guy wants to be your best friend. He is easy going and a gentle soul. He was once a community cat but must have been someone's pet, as he's so sweet. He eats both wet and dry foods and loves treats. His favorite toys are laser pointers and toy mice. He's not picky where he sleeps but would love a cat tree by a window."

We think Last Kiss would like plenty of kisses from his forever person. Could that be you?

If you're interested in Last Kiss, please stop by or call our Brewster location. The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s Brewster Animal Care and Adoption Center is located at 3981 Main St. (Route 6A) in Brewster, and can be reached at 617-426-9170 x305. ARL is closed Mondays, open by appointment-only on Tuesdays, and open to the general public Wednesday-Sunday from 1-6 p.m.

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Photo: Drapalski, Nora (uploader)

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