Meet Duke!
Duke is a 7-month-old male lab mix puppy looking for his new home!
Besides being super cute, he is very playful, affectionate, loves everyone he meets and is full of energy!
He also loves being around other dogs, so having another dog in the home would be a plus for Duke, as he’d have a playmate and a mentor dog to show him the ropes.
He’s working on his leash manners, but training will be important for him once he gets home so he can get a handle on basic manners and blossom into a well-mannered adult dog!
You can expect a response to your inquiry from a member of our adoption staff within 48 hours of completing this form. Due to our high volume of inquiries, please refrain from calling unless that time frame has passed. If needed, you can reach the Brewster shelter at 617-426-9170 x305. The Animal Rescue League of Boston is currently open by appointment only...Tuesday-Sunday from 1:00-6:30 p.m.
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